<aside> ✴️ Table of Contents for x=0, y=0, z=0



<aside> 🤠 Contact



This is the origin point of my Notion/Figma workspace. This majority of this workspace’s content falls into four buckets: repositories, maps, rhizomes, and connections. A breakdown of these four categories is as follows:

  1. repositories (basically just a bunch of sub-databases created by assigning tags to entries in the master “media library” database)
    1. company/industry research portal (where I put relevant company/industry research)
    2. eigenthemes (repos for the dozen or so themes that I believe are defining our current moment)
    3. secondary themes (repos for subordinate themes)
    4. functional repos (tbh there’s no real distinction b/t this category & secondary themes)
  2. maps (for information that feels better org’d via Figma/Figjam than text editor)
    1. you are here (Figjam board of this Notion workspace)
    2. media backlog (a space to put links to media that i haven’t gotten around to reading/watching yet)
    3. roadmap (Figjam board connecting and prioritizing various rhizomes/projects)
    4. thesis map (Figjam board connecting my various working theses and claims)
  3. rhizomes (my various interconnected pet projects)
    1. minimally viable (projects that have achieved minimum viability)
    2. under construction (projects that i’m still working on)
  4. [WIP] connections (tentative; idea is to p2p connect to other individual workspaces/galleries)

While this space currently manifests through Notion and Figma, the eventual goal is for the information in this space to be linked to other spaces and dynamically mirrored across multiple platforms, especially gaming or game-like environments like Minecraft, SubstrataVR, gather.town, Nototo, etc. The idea is that, for example, the changes I make to this Notion page could be mirrored to a linked object in a Figjam board, the Figjam board is displayed in a gallery in SubstrataVR, and the SubstrataVR gallery is connected to a Minecraft world via portal.

But the “you are here” Figjam board will suffice for now. Use “ctrl+P” to search through my Notion workspace. I personally recommend using 90% page zoom and the Dark theme if you’re viewing this while logged into your Notion account.

you are here 📍


media backlog
